外国哲学教研室 主任: 吴天岳









Academia主页: https://pku.academia.edu/WeiCheng

PhilPeople主页: https://philpeople.org/profiles/wei-cheng



I received my Ph.D. from Humboldt University of Berlin, MA from University Tübingen, and BA from Peking University. Before coming to the Philosophy Department of PKU in 2019, I have taught at the Center for Classical Studies for 3 years at the same university. I work primarily in ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato, Aristotle, and ancient commentaries on Aristotle. I also dabble in Nietzsche, philosophy of mind, philosophy of emotion, and moral psychology.    



2015 柏林洪堡大学,博士学位(古希腊哲学,summa cum laude

2013 秋季学期,普林斯顿大学哲学系,交流

2011 图宾根大学,硕士学位(哲学;古希腊语文学)

2004 澳门威斯尼斯人橙色的,学士学位(中国文学)



期刊论文(journal articles


1. “Aristotle and the Pain of Animals: Nicomachean Ethics 1154b7–9”, The Classical Quarterly, forthcoming

2. “Speusippus, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Value: Theophrastus’ Metaphysics 11a18–26”, Journal of Hellenic Studies, (140) 2020, 143-175

3. “Aristotle and Eudoxus on Argument from Contraries”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 102(4), 2020, 588-618

4. “Neutral, Natural and Hedonic State in Plato”, Mnemosyne, 72 (4), 2019, 525-49 

5. “Aristotle’s Vocabulary of Pain”, Philologus, 163(1), 2019, 47-71

6. “Dyschereia and Aporia: The Formation of a Philosophical Term”, TAPA 148 (1), 2018, 75-110 

7. “A Battle Against Pain?: Aristotle, Theophrastus and the Physiologoi”, Phronesis, 62, 2017, 392-416

8. “尼采的柏拉图:以巴塞尔柏拉图讲义为中心,《中国学术》(34),201551-102

9. “柏拉图释义问题,《中国学术》(28),2011,页89-171


B 合集论文或书籍章节(articles in edited volumes or book chapters

1 “什么是古代哲学:一个导论,载于《西方古典学论纲》,待刊,约4万字。

2. “The Variety of Pain in Alexander of Aphrodisias”, in D. King and H. Baltussen eds., Pain and its Representation in the Ancient World, forthcoming

3. “Alexander of Aphrodisias on Pleasure and Pain in Aristotle”, in W. Harris ed., Pleasure and Pain in Classical Times, Leiden: Brill, 2018, 174-200

4. “口传性、书写性与哲学:对尼采的巴塞尔柏拉图讲义的一个评注,载于《文本与文献》,韩水法编,2016348-68


C书评(reviews or review articles

1. “制造语文学,《中国学术》38,商务印书馆,2017248-73

2. “Orality and Literacy”, The Classical Review 66, 2016, 5-7.

3. “Aristotelian Emotions”, The Classical Review 66, 2016, 62-64.

4. “评先刚《柏拉图的本原学说》载于《希腊罗马哲学》第一期,商务印书馆,2016

5.“Mayhew, Prodicus the Sophist: Texts, Translations, and Commentary”, 载于《中国学术》(35商务印书馆,2016

6. “Schmitt: Poetik. Aristoteles Werke in deutscher Übersetzung”,载于《中国学术》(32),商务印书馆,2012



2017维尔纳·耶格尔奖(Werner Jaeger-Preis),德国古代哲学研究协会(GANPH


2015 海外优秀自费留学生奖学金,留学基金委




17春季:基础古希腊(下);智者运动(Sophistic Movement

17秋季:古典学导论;亚里士多德《优台谟伦理学》(Aristotle: Eudemian Ethics,合开,人文经典与前沿B”模块2

18春季:古希腊语阅读(2)(EuripidesMedea);柏拉图《斐勒布》(Plato: Philebus


19春季:柏拉图论自我(Plato: Alcibiades I and Charmides

19秋季:亚里士多德《论灵魂》(Aristotle: De Anima);心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块2

20春季:亚里士多德《论动物运动》(Aristotle: De Motu Animalium

20秋季:希腊化时期哲学(Hellenistic Philosophy心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块3

21春季:西方哲学上(History of Western Philosophy I

21秋季:古希腊哲学进阶(Aristotle: De Sensu心灵哲学导论(合开,哲学导论模块3

22春季:心灵哲学专题(Topics in Philosophy of Mind
